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What does ‘typically developing’ really mean?

What does ‘typically developing’ really mean?

Many early milestones for children have ranges that are considered ‘normal’ and it is hard to know when to be concerned and seek additional support.

However, parental instinct goes a long way.  There are many experts in various fields who you may consult, but ultimately YOU are the expert on your child.  If you have concerns or questions that aren’t being addressed – you have choices.   It is not uncommon for us to see children whose parents have addressed concerns about development to their physician and are reassured not to worry, but their worry and concern persists.

Private Physiotherapy is an option for families.  This will allow for a developmental assessment that not only looks at what skills your child has or hasn’t achieved, but also looks at the quality of movement.  The therapists can then make recommendations and determine if intervention is required.  A block of therapy might be recommended to address a specific skill like strengthening or trunk rotation.

Occasionally, not achieving skills may also be indicative of something more serious like a specific diagnosis.  Regardless of what this diagnosis might be or how it presents – the most common suggestion is early intervention.

Achieve Pediatric Therapy can help.   Please feel free to contact us with questions or concerns, or to book an initial assessment.  877-5-ACHIEVE or email us at

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